Research and new impulses for brand management and consumer behavior


A lot is happening in the field of research at Brand University of Applied Sciences (BU). With innovative publications and outstanding achievements at international conferences, our scientists and students are once again proving how relevant and future-oriented research at our university is. Here is an overview of the most exciting developments in recent months:

Book publication by Prof. Dr. Stefan Waller: “Marke und Mythos”

In July 2024, the new book by Prof. Dr. Stefan Waller was published by Springer Nature. Under the title “Marke und Mythos”, Waller explores the question of how brands function not only as economic actors, but also as cultural symbols and social myths. The publication offers new perspectives on the deeper meaning of brands in today's world and provides valuable food for thought for brand strategists, companies and the scientific community. Another highlight in BU's research landscape that shows how closely our science is linked to current social issues.

Publication by Prof. Dr. Yonca Limon-Calisan and Dr. Renate Heimers: “Markenführung für Unternehmen mit Purpose”

In October 2024, Prof. Dr. Yonca Limon-Calisan and Dr. Renate Heimers published their new book “Markenführung für Unternehmen mit Purpose. Mit dem Brand Purpose Model Canvas zur nachhaltigen Marke.” by Springer Gabler. In the book, the two experts show how companies with a clearly defined social or ecological “purpose” can shape their brand strategy sustainably and successfully. The focus is on the Brand Purpose Model Canvas, an innovative tool that helps companies to consistently align their brand management with an overarching purpose. The book is another important contribution that shows how the theory and practice of brand management can be combined - and at the same time an important building block for responsible corporate management.

BU students at StuFo 2024: Young researchers on the national stage

BU students are not only active on campus - they also bring their innovative results to the national stage. Three contributions from BU have been accepted for the Conference for Student Research (StuFo) 2024 at the University of Hohenheim. The topics of the submitted papers are as exciting as they are diverse:

  • Social Index Transparency: Wie beeinflusst der Social Selling Index auf LinkedIn das Wahrnehmungs- und Sichtbarkeitsverhalten von Nutzer*innen?

  • Do Alcohol Warning Labels Work?: Eine Untersuchung zur Effektivität von Alkohol-Warnhinweisen und deren Einfluss auf Kaufentscheidungen.

  • K-Beauty Packaging: Der versteckte Einfluss von Verpackungsdesign auf Konsument*innenentscheidungen im Bereich der koreanischen Kosmetik.

It is particularly pleasing that a BU student presented his work at a conference at Hohenheim Palace as part of StuFo 2024. This underlines the high quality and practical relevance of research at Brand University and shows how our students, as young researchers, provide valuable impetus for the industry.

Conclusion: Research at BU - relevance, innovation, practical relevance

With these current successes, Brand University of Applied Sciences impressively demonstrates that it not only plays a pioneering role as an excellent university of applied sciences, but also constantly sets new trends in research. Whether in the areas of brand management, consumer behavior or sustainable corporate strategies - BU is an important driving force for future-oriented research that advances companies and society.

We are proud of the results and developments of our researchers and students and look forward to future projects that will continue to have a lasting impact on research in the field of brands and consumption.

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