Brand Management x Brand Design

BU x thjnk x Paulaner Zwickl at the GWA Junior Agency

Five teams, consisting of 5th semester students in the Brand Management and Brand Design courses, have been given an exciting task by the practice partner thjnk in an interdisciplinary practical project – the development of a communication concept for the Paulaner Zwickl beer brand.

In this communication concept the market and the target group were analyzed, a strategic guiding idea was derived, and exemplary communication campaigns were visualized.

From the five presentations, a winner was chosen to represent the Brand University of Applied Sciences at the GWA Award in Munich.

A total of seven teams took part in the GWA Award, each consisting of a student team from a German university and an advertising agency. Each team worked on a task for a client from business practice.

Unfortunately, the BA didn’t get the victory, but we are all very satisfied with the performance of our students and are happy to have been part of the GWA-Award again.


  • Module: Interdisciplinary Project

  • Lecturer: Dr. Thomas Suwelack & Prof. Michael Jonas

  • Semester: 5th and 5th Semester

Further projects

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