Brand Innovation


XING means „it works“ in Chinese, which makes it not only a befitting name for the most important professional network in the German-speaking world, but also an accurate evaluation of the ongoing partnership between XING and Brand University of Applied Sciences.

The very first joint practice project launched in the first semester of 2017 and, upon conclusion, left everyone involved with a feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment. True to the motto „if it’s not broken, don’t fix it“, XING and Brand University of Applied Sciences just kicked off round two.

This time, XING representatives Jan Kowalsky (Director Brand Marketing) and Till Tillmann, (Senior Manager Digital Communications) tasked our International Brand Communication Master’s students with building an emotional bond with the attractive Generation Y target group and triggering them to interact.

Needless to say, a perfectly suited task for our students, who are part of that generation themselves.  One trigger to be used for achieving the desired effects is „New Work“ – a topic Generation Y is very concerned with.

In the second stage of the project, the students – who are once again supervised by Michael Kress and Prof. Dr. Yonca Limon-Calisan – have developed ideas and approaches suitable to the task and presented these to XING in the so-called Feedback Round. On June 29th, 2018, the project was concluded with final presentations at XING’s HQ in Hamburg.


  • Modul: Semiotics & Visual Aesthetics

  • Lecture: Prof. Dr. Yonca Limon-Calisan

  • Semester: 2nd Semester IBC

Further projects

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