Brand Communication & Brand Design


The Hamburg-based company Undone has made it its mission to make a significant contribution to reducing global alcohol consumption by 20% by 2025. Without compromising on nights out at bars and parties, the perfect sundowner or celebrating special moments with friends.

For a healthier lifestyle, the beverage manufacturer has developed non-alcoholic spirits that allow you to do just that: celebrate alcohol-free without giving up the taste of well-known long drinks and cocktails. After all, the taste of spirits like gin, rum and vermouth is real – only the alcohol is missing.

But in order to achieve their goal of reducing global alcohol consumption, Undone needs to tap into additional international markets. This presents the company with challenges: What cultural aspects have to be considered in some parts of the world for a market entry? What do consumers, especially those of generations Y and Z, think? What designs and messages appeal to them?

With these questions, Undone turned to our students of the 4th semester Brand Communication and Brand Design. The practice project kicked off with a briefing session with Renke-Marie Lux, Global Marketing Director at Undone, and a tasting session so that our students could get their own impression of the products and their tastes.

The Brand Communication students then took on the part of developing a communication strategy in the Strategic Planning seminar led by Prof. Dr. Joachim Bongard and lecturer Frederick Braake.

Based on an analysis of the target market, the competition, the target group and the media landscape, they developed a positioning for the Undone brand, core messages as well as a content and media strategy. Their results became apparent with initial creative concept ideas for slogans, events and influencer cooperations.

In the Art Direction seminar, the brand designers, led by lecturer Ole Utikal, took on the development of a design strategy suitable for the target market. This included the translation of the name, slogan and logo as well as the development of creative campaign ideas and corresponding visuals. The students from both courses presented their results in virtual final presentations to Renke-Marie Lux and her colleague Felix Schlüter, CDO at Undone.

Their conclusion: “The collaboration around the strategic development of market entry potentials for Asian markets as well as corresponding approaches in the area of design and product naming made an incredible impression on us. After we are already globally active with UNDONE in almost 17 markets, the insights gained with regard to the Asian drinking and night out culture appeared equally inspiring and enlightening to us. We’d like to thank all students and lecturers for the valuable insights and great partnership.”

Lecturer Ole Utikal, who initiated the project, was very pleased with the work of his students: „I had a lot of fun and really enjoyed the process of working with the students who came up with great results. I am very happy and proud of the outcome.“

We would like to thank Undone for their cooperation. This project offered our students the opportunity to gain insights into the work of a real company during their studies and to deal practically with the topic of market entry strategy and the intercultural aspects of design.


  • Modul: Strategic Planning, Art Direction

  • Lectures: Prof. Dr. Joachim Bongard, Frederick Braake, Ole Utikal

  • Semester: 4th semester Brand Csmmunication & Brand Design

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