Brand Innovation x Brand Design

BU x Wunder Mobility

Cities are growing globally at incredible speed. With an increase in population comes a growing need for mobility from more and more vehicle users. But traffic areas levels of pollution are constantly on the rise, increasing the threat to our health and our environment. Urban mobility is not a trend, it’s one big pressing issue in a time when the automotive industry is in the middle of a once-in-a-century change. We need to universally induce a change of mobility behavior and create smarter, cleaner and more efficient means of transport.

Wunder Mobility addresses these issues by developing software products to help accelerate the global transition to sustainable mobility. Founded in 2014, the Hamburg-based start-up’s portfolio now includes for example software, hardware and operational services for car, bike and scooter sharing, carpooling, smart parking and more. Currently, the are operating in over 100 cities around the world.

This semester, they teamed up with Brand University to form our biggest practical project to date. 54 students from four study courses (Brand Innovation, Brand Design, International Brand Communication and International Brand Management) worked together in ten teams. Their assignment was to conceive and design digital innovations for future mobility in urban environments.

Under the guidance of Prof. Michael Jonas, they were completely free to either build upon Wunder Mobility’s existing solutions or to develop concepts that are new to their portfolio. The only limitations given: the idea must be legal and realizable within the next decade.

For their final presentations, Wunder Mobility invited our students to their Headquarter located in Hamburg HafenCity. Via live broadcast, the presentations were not only held in Hamburg but also followed from other Wunder Mobility Offices in Dortmund and Los Angeles.

Ten teams presented their ideas and showed a range of creative ideas focusing on different mobility problems. From solutions for senior people to camper van sharing and applications that connect mobility apps on a meta-level. „We loved working with the students and seeing their vast variety of ideas, approaches and professional presentations“says Fred Fahlke, Head of Design at Wunder Mobility.

We thank Wunder Mobility for the cooperation and the chance to let our students be almost limitlessly creative and play a visionary role in the turnaround in urban mobility.


  • Modul: Practice Project

  • Lecture: Prof. Michael Jonas

  • Semester: Brand Innovation, IBM, IBC and Brand Design

Further projects

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