Brand Design

BU x Icy Box

Since the 2019/20 winter semester, Brand University and RaidSonic Technology GmbH have been working together on various projects for the Icy Box brand. The technology manufacturer offers storage solutions and multimedia accessories. The brand is particularly well known for its docking stations.

The starting point for the collaboration was a practical project in the Brand Design degree programme to redesign the visual appearance of the Icy Box brand and for the subsequent conception of new communication measures.

The students worked on the practical implementation of the project under the supervision of Prof Ansgar Eidens in the Corporate Design (3rd semester) and Transmedia Storytelling (4th semester) modules. The collaboration between the Brand University and RaidSonic will now continue in the 2020/21 winter semester.

As part of Icy Box's new brand identity, the company is also launching a newly designed website. This is being examined as part of a research project led by Prof Dr Yonca Limon-Calisan in the Brand Research Lab.

Eye tracking, facial expression recognition and mouse tracking technologies are used for website testing. The aim of the study is to find out where users spend time on the website, how quickly they find important elements, what emotions the user journey triggers and what need for optimisation arises from this.

The project is currently in the data collection phase. As we at Brand University are committed to the principle of ‘open research’, you will receive a detailed insight into the study in the study plan.


  • Module: Brand Research Lab, Brand Design

  • Lecturers: Prof. Dr Yonca Limon-Calisan, Prof. Ansgar Eidens

Research methodology

  • Website testing (eye tracking, facial expression recognition, mouse tracking)

  • Quantitative survey


Further projects

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